CORAS Model-driven risk analysis - free.Business Process Modeler (BPMN) by Workflow Research - free.Business Process Modeler (BPMN) allows users to quickly and easily model and publish their business processes in industry-standard BPMN - free.Bow tie diagram shapes - stencils and templates for Bow Tie diagram risk analysis by Sandrila Ltd - commercial with free samples download.Aresti System Aerobatic Drawing Software contains all the figures from the Aresti System (Condensed) Aerobatic Catalogue, Templates for all IAC & CIVA aerobatic Forms, and many automated sub-routinesįor rapid paperwork preparation - commercial.I shall endeavour to keep this list up to date, please inform me of any changes or additions. There are various lists available of 3rd-party Visio stencils and add-ons, all of which seem to be totally out of date and full of dead links. Set cell Text Transform -> TxtAngle = -ANG360(Angle) Level text - text that is always horizontal, sometimes called 'gravity text':.Set cell Character -> Size = Min(48 pt, Max(4 pt,10 pt*Height/0.75 in.))
Set cell Character -> Size = 10 pt*Height/0.75 in Various useful formulae for use in Visio shapesheet cells Output dialog box for showing text when a shape is double-clicked